Welcome to CloudSight API’s documentation!

Consult full API documentation for details.


$ pip install cloudsight


You need your API key and secret (if using OAuth1 authentication). They are available on CloudSight site after you sign up and create a project.


Import the cloudsight module:

import cloudsight

Create an cloudsight.API instance using simple key-based authentication:

auth = cloudsight.SimpleAuth('your-api-key')
api = cloudsight.API(auth)

Or, using OAuth1 authentication:

auth = cloudsight.OAuth('your-api-key', 'your-api-secret')
api = cloudsight.API(auth)

Send the image request using a file:

with open('your-file.jpg', 'rb') as f:
    response = api.image_request(f, 'your-file.jpg', {
        'image_request[locale]': 'en-US',

Or, you can send the image request using a URL:

response = api.remote_image_request('http://www.example.com/image.jpg', {
    'image_request[locale]': 'en-US',

Then, update the job status to see if it’s already processed:

status = api.image_response(response['token'])
if status['status'] != cloudsight.STATUS_NOT_COMPLETED:
    # Done!

It usually takes 6-12 seconds to receive a completed response. You may use cloudsight.API.wait() method to wait until the image is processed:

status = api.wait(response['token'], timeout=30)

API parameters

image_request[image] (required)
Image attached as a multipart-form-request part. Either this field or image_request[remote_image_url] must be provided, but not both.
image_request[remote_image_url] (required)
URL to a remote image to use. Either this field or the image_request[image] must be provided, but not both.
image_request[locale] (required)
The locale of the request.
The language of the request. Return the response in this language.
A unique ID generated for the device sending the request. We recommend generating a UUID.
Geolocation information for additional context.
Geolocation information for additional context.
Geolocation information for additional context.
Deadline in seconds before expired state is set. Use a high ttl for low-priority image requests. Set image_request[ttl]=max for maximum deadline.
Focal point on image (x-coordinate) for specificity.
Focal point on image (y-coordinate) for specificity.

API documentation

Possible values for current job status:


Recognition has not yet been completed for this image. Continue polling until response has been marked completed.


Recognition has been completed. Annotation can be found in Name and Categories field of Job structure.


Token supplied on URL does not match an image.


Image couldn’t be recognized because of a specific reason. Check the reason field.


Recognition process exceeded the allowed TTL setting.

The API may choose not to return any response for given image. Below constants include possible reasons for such behavior.


Offensive image content.


Too blurry to identify.


Too close to identify.


Too dark to identify.


Too bright to identify.


Content could not be identified.

class cloudsight.API(auth)

API instance constructor.

Parameters:auth – Instance of Auththorization handler (cloudsight.SimpleAuth or cloudsight.OAuth).
image_request(image, filename, params=None)

Send an image for classification. The image is a file-like object. The params parameter is optional.

On success this method will immediately return a job information. Its status will initially be cloudsight.STATUS_NOT_COMPLETED as it usually takes 6-12 seconds for the server to process an image. In order to retrieve the annotation data, you need to keep updating the job status using the cloudsight.API.image_response() method until the status changes. You may also use the cloudsight.API.wait() method which does this automatically.

  • image – File-like object containing the image data.
  • filename – The file name.
  • params – Additional parameters for CloudSight API.

Contact the server and update the job status.

After a request has been submitted, it usually takes 6-12 seconds to receive a completed response. We recommend polling for a response every 1 second after a 4 second delay from the initial request, while the status is cloudsight.STATUS_NOT_COMPLETED. cloudsight.API.wait() method does this automatically.

Parameters:token – Job token as returned from cloudsight.API.image_request() or cloudsight.API.remote_image_request()
remote_image_request(image_url, params=None)

Send an image for classification. The imagewill be retrieved from the URL specified. The params parameter is optional.

On success this method will immediately return a job information. Its status will initially be cloudsight.STATUS_NOT_COMPLETED as it usually takes 6-12 seconds for the server to process an image. In order to retrieve the annotation data, you need to keep updating the job status using the cloudsight.API.image_response() method until the status changes. You may also use the cloudsight.API.wait() method which does this automatically.

  • image_url – Image URL.
  • params – Additional parameters for CloudSight API.

Repost the job if it has timed out (cloudsight.STATUS_TIMEOUT).

Parameters:token – Job token as returned from cloudsight.API.image_request() or cloudsight.API.remote_image_request()
wait(token, timeout=600)

Wait for the job until it has been processed. This method will block for up to timeout seconds.

This method will wait for 4 seconds after the initial request and then will call cloudsight.API.image_response() method every second until the status changes.

Parameters:token – Job token as returned from cloudsight.API.image_request() or cloudsight.API.remote_image_request()
class cloudsight.SimpleAuth(key)
class cloudsight.OAuth(key, secret)
class cloudsight.APIError(description)

Indices and tables